Writing levels and more

Self-estimate your project

Writing levels are from the editor's perspective based on both writing skill and project difficulty. Level I is the cleanest, easiest to edit paper, e.g., a well written reflection or novel. Levels II–IV denote increasing complexity, e.g., extensive footnotes and/or decreasing skill, leading to Level V, requiring the most editing time, e.g., PhD dissertations. The estimated cost is based on the number of pages that can be edited per hour.

Document lengths are based on the classic formula of 300 words per page. Simply divide your total word count by 300 and you will have the number of words, or document length, that this table uses. 

Costs are based on the student rate of $28/hour. Students writing papers for college credit automatically get this rate; all others will pay the regular rate of $38/hr. Simply include with your first paper the school you are attending and the degree you are earning. The minimum charge is one hour.

Using the Estimate Table below, writers can approximate the cost to edit their project based on 5 levels of editing difficulty and 7 different lengths of manuscripts (see text below for more details). 

Note: The actual estimate will be made once the editor reviews the project. The final billing may be less (or more) than the estimate. 

NOTE: The chart below was constructed with my old rates of $25/hr. for students; $35/hr. for non-students. Please adjust accordingly to the new rates of $28/hr. for students and $38/hr. for non-students.